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Paper Craft


Blogs are short articles, usually connected to a general theme, that individuals and companies post on a website. Blogs allow you to communicate in a much deeper way than the typical social media platform. Through blogging, you can have a conversation about topics and themes related to your business, your customer service outlook, and the character/spirit of your company.

Blogging is also great for search engine optimization, because it adds lots of content, keywords, and new pages to your website, which the search engines can then index. Blogging, when done right, requires a consistent stream of interesting, informative, and relatable articles. 

Blog Pricing

4 - 10 blogs per month (Does not include posting)

$60 - $80 per blog

Minimum of 4 blogs per month

10+ blogs per month (Does not include posting)

$50 - $70 per blog

Blogs usually range from 300 – 500 words

4 -10 blogs per month (Includes posting & meta data)

$70 - $90 per blog

Price will depend on the difficulty of the topic and research required

10+ blogs per month (Includes posting & meta data)

$60 - $80 per blog

Click to view blog writing samples

Blog Price
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