Marketing in the Digital World
The primary function of a newsletter or eblast is to maintain and increase awareness of your company. Newsletters serve this purpose by providing your list of contacts with fresh, unique and relevant information on a regular basis. An eblast can announce an important news item, a product launch, a sale or simply provide an entertaining message to keep your contacts interested.
Eblasts and newsletters have become popular marketing tools due to their relatively low cost, detailed reporting capabilities and precise messaging customization. Eblast companies such as Constant Contact make it easy to construct professional-looking eblast and newsletter templates and build multiple lists.
I have experience crafting compelling eblasts that garner higher-than-average click through rates. I am familiar with standard eblast and newsletter best practices and have extensive experience using specialty eblast services like Constant Contact.
ARTICLE 1 :: 9 Simple Steps to Become a Thought Leader in Your Industry
The “Yes” Man Syndrome
Put your finger to the wind and you might notice a subtle shift in the weather. Feel it? In this economy, there is a whiff of desperation in the air. Put your ear to the ground and you might just hear a new rumbling. It sounds like this:
“Yes.” – “Certainly.” – “No problem.” – “Absolutely.” – “Whatever you want.”
The “Yes Man” Syndrome
When times get tough, the not-so-tough start saying “yes”. This is what I call the “Yes Man Syndrome”, and it has afflicted the remodeling industry with a vengeance. This syndrome is also known by the acronym OPUP(pronounced Oh, Poop), which stands for Over Promising and UnderPerforming.
Contractors infected with “OPUP” or “Yes Man Syndrome” are easily recognizable by the fact that they blow through an estimating appointment in about 15 – 30 minutes and agree to almost anything the potential client asks – even if it is not in the client’s best interest.
We are not the “Yes Man”
Let me be clear – I would LOVE to be the guy that says “yes” to everything and mean it. In reality, however, that approach is neither practical or in keeping with my commitment to be an advocate for the best interests of my clients and their homes.
Specialty Home Improvement is not a “Yes Man” firm. We never have been and we never will be.
The Professional Approach
Our approach is one of professional evaluation and clear communication with the client so that we can better understand their needs. We support an open and informative dialog so that the client will know what is safe and appropriate for the job as well as what changes will add comfort, convenience and value to their homes and meet their expectations.
A remodeling project may be built with lumber, nails and concrete, but a healthy, professional and fruitful relationship is built with honesty, trust and integrity. Time and experience have proven to me that if I treat my clients right-which may mean occasionally saying “no” they will be ecstatic with not only the stunning results we achieve, but with the fabulous experience and journey that we took to reach them.
Client: Specialty Home Improvement | Category: Eblast

EBLAST 2 :: Dear Dog Friends
Dear Dog Friends,
Thank you for being a part of Dogsunite.com – the online dog park, where canines and their (well-behaved) owners can hang out with other dog lovers all over the world!
We are striving to build up the site with lots of great features like expert articles, advice columns and breed-centric groups, but we need your help to make DogsUnite.com the best dog house on the web.
As an online community, we depend on the help of our members to keep our website vibrant and moving. We encourage members to make their mark. (No; not that mark!) by creating a profile for themselves and their favorite furry friends.
We encourage you to fill out your profile if you have not done so yet, and then come back to add new information. Have a great dog story? Create your own blog and share! Is there a nagging dog-related question you want answered?
Start a message board topic and get opinions and answers from other dog lovers all over the world. Don’t be afraid to sniff around, make online friends and let all your offline friends know that we’re here.
We update the site with great dog specials and services as we get new information from our members and sponsors.
Check out the following great values on our dog specials page:
#62596 Mammoth Bone: Compare at $14.99; Petsen$e price $7.00
#62588 Smoked Knuckle Bone: Compare at $5.99; Petsen$e price $3.00
#62570 Ham Bone: Compare at $4.99; Petsen$e price $2.00
#13912 Loofa Dog 18″; Compare at $7.99; Petsen$e price $3.99
DogsUnite.com also offers advertising space for any dog-related products or services. If you are looking for the perfect place to offer discounts or great deals or just get the word out about your product or service, contact us for advertising opportunities.
Thank you again for your support of DogsUnite.com where being a little dog crazy is completely normal. ~ The Crazy Dog lovers at DogsUnite.com.
Client: Dogs Unite | Category: Eblast

Halloween is a time for ghouls and ghosts and mysterious creaks that wake you up in the darkest part of the night. While children worry about werewolves and vampires, there may already be monsters in your house. Tens of thousands of them. And these monsters are hungry.
I’m talking, of course, about termites. You think vampires are a nuisance, consider that these sneaky, dark-loving insects can eat through practically anything, including beams, studs, support posts, and joists of buildings. They live in huge, insatiable colonies that can digest pounds of wood before you even notice a problem!
Like ghosts in the night, termites sneak into your home, searching for that perfect combination of wood and moisture. Helpless decks, patios, eaves and staircases don’t stand a chance. Once the swarm gets in, they destroy everything in their path.
Termites have no pity. Like zombies, their only goal is to feed and feed often. They will not spare your beautiful, innocent house, which means that you need to be prepared to fight back!
Wooden stakes and chainsaws need not apply. The first weapon you need is vigilance. Check out my recent blog post on how to look for termite damage. Even though the post is targeted to real estate agents, the advice is just as useful to regular homeowners.
If you do find a swarm of insect invaders, then it’s time for a little slaying. We don’t recommend that you do this alone. There are special warriors who are trained to fight these miniature beasts. They’re called termite exterminators, and they can come in and work their magic to get the termites out fast.
Of course, even with the termites gone, the legacy of their brutality still lingers. That’s where I come in. Whatever damage those termites caused, I can fix. No magic wands or bubbling cauldrons required, just lots of experience, knowledge and hard work.
So, this Halloween as the nights grow longer and colder (okay, it’s San Diego, the nights only get slightly colder), it’s not all the beasties outside that you have to worry about; it’s the beasties that have already gotten in.
Best Rate Repair isn’t afraid of termites or fixing the messes they leave behind. If you’ve have termite damage to any part of your home, call us for a free quote.
Here’s hoping for more treats than tricks this Halloween,
Client: Best Rate Repair | Category: Eblast